Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Another "ex-gay" Survivor in the Blogosphere

Bob Painter (AKA Bob P) a former fellow Love in Action graduate and staff member has finally started a blog! Yes, I believe that every former ex-gay should have a blog of his/her own. In his most recent post, The "new man" is gay! he writes,
I decided that I must die to the dishonest part of me that attempts to be someone he's not--namely a heterosexual. How difficult is it for me to crucify myself with Christ if I take the easy road of conforming to the patterns of this world--one pattern being that of heterosexual bigotry--just because straight people are uncomfortable with my sexual preferences?
Working It Out--Daily posts about my life as a gay Christian...


At 8:38 PM , Blogger Christine Bakke said...

Yay, I'm glad Bob's blogging. I've always enjoyed his comments on your blog.


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